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QuantumFluctuator Homepage

What is this?

This site is the hub for all my content and additional links to all things useful.

What do you do?

I am a programmer with a 2:1 in BSc Computer Science and currently studying MSc Cyber Security with BSI ISO 27001 accreditation. I have lots of practice in many languages:

Additionally, I run and maintain a Ryzen driven Linux server which host the majority my content, including this website. It's thanks to this that I've gained a great quantity of Linux experience since beginning doing this, and a fair amount of Unix experience too, as having to use SSH to interact with my servers all the time promoted my use of Windows & macOS terminal. In the past I was a very heavy Windows user, and in fact my main PC still dual boots with Windows being the secondary OS, but I tend to avoid it these days despite their Linux integration in favour of Ubuntu 20.04 and macOS Monterey.

Most of my hobbies, are computer-oriented, allowing me to continuously gain knowledge in the field, which always comes in handy. I am always looking to further my knowledge and develop my skills. I enjoy programming, particularly making games or tools which help me with server management. I enjoy using BrickLink Stud.io which I used to make the content found on my Renders page. I also sometimes enjoy playing games, in particular Sonic the Hedgehog 2 and Black & White, for the latter of which I am currently working on a fan spin off.

I am working on creating a portfolio of my creations on my projects page at fluctuator.net which aims to demonstrate my various endeavours.

Coming Soon